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    INOAC Corporation

    INOAC Corporation

    INOAC devotes itself to research and develop new materials which helps environmental protection and contributes to realize affluent life with providing products and solution service of new value.

    Future-oriented products and solution

    Polyurethane, rubber, plastic, new material and composite materials—these are the varieties of INOAC materials produced with polymer chemistry and cultivated during its long history. INOAC devotes itself to research and develop new materials which helps environmental protection and contributes to realize affluent life with providing products and solution service of new value.

    Established global supply and support network

    INOAC has production, sales and development bases around the world, mainly in North America and Asia. INOAC supplies high-quality, functionally sophisticated products and services worldwide.

    INOAC, as a material manufacturer chiefly producing foam, continues to realize greater possibilities

    Focusing its research and development efforts on polymer products, INOAC performs research using the most valuable two resources in the development of high technology; creative scientists and the most sophisticated scientific equipment. As a global leader of technology and the best team player for raw-material manufacturers and customers, INOAC intends to provide excellent added value.