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Tecnau’s newest portfolio addition, the TC 1550 HS PLUS dynamic perforator, is now available in the UK and Ireland through exclusive distributor Intelligent Finishing Systems.
Launched at Graph Expo, Chicago, the TC 1550 PLUS HS is based on the well-established TC 1550 family that already has hundreds of installations worldwide.
“The new system offers greater production flexibility with a top speed of up to 800 fpm and corresponding reduction in minimum horizontal perforation repeat lengths,” states Dawn Kelley, Digital Solutions Sales Specialist for IFS.
The 800 fpm TC 1550 PLUS HS has a minimum horizontal perforation repeat lengths of 3” for the TC 1550 HS PLUS 1, 1.5” for the PLUS 2 and 1” for the PLUS 3.
“As with all Tecnau solutions the systems are quiet, accurate and dependable,” comments Kelley who adds: “And the best part is that existing Tecnau TC 1550 PLUS customers can field upgrade to the new HS platform to suit their production demands.”
The TC 1550 PLUS HS was showcased at Graph Expo alongside Tecnau’s Stack 2320 cut/stack system, WebVision EXspect quality monitor and the new WebVision PreView remote programming station for inspection template creation and template publication to multiple WebVision inspection stations.
The Stack 2320 included Tecnau’s Cutter c23, offering double-cutting for removal of flush-lines (as well as processing of bleeds) ideal for today’s high-speed colour inkjet printers while WebVision EXspect guarantees print quality, and offers significant data integrity and workflow testing capabilities.