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    Ionisos Ibérica

    Ionisos Ibérica

    Ionisos Ibérica is a company specialized in providing sterilization services for the treatment of products through electron beam technology

    Ionisos Ibérica, a Spanish based company forming a part of the IONISOS Group, was initially founded to provide sterilization services to manufacturers of single use medical products via irradiation, through an electron beam accelerator.

    Since these beginnings the company has moved to other applications for this technology, and nowadays it is also involved in the fields of: cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, veterinary products, food packaging, food and materials modification.

    The strict quality norms which control the health care industry require complex and environmentally safe technology which guarantee sterilization. Ionisos Iberica has the experience and knowledge to offer expert advice and solutions to specific customer requirements.

    At Ionisos Ibérica, we consider that our most important objective is to provide quality with speed and efficiency. We are a company that enjoys an open exchange of knowledge to work alongside our customers to find the best solution to their particular needs.

    Roberts Metal Packaging