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In our graphical projects studio, our designers and graphic professionals offert clients their know-how and do turn their ideas and dreams into beautifully shaped products. They know materials well and they know how to use the latest technologies to enhance the raw materials themselves. We guarantee the most efficient results for the unicity of your brands.
3D Graphics
The integration of new 3D software allows each CAD project to have pleasant looks that enhance the client’s ideas – also, this gives you the possibility to preview the work and decide on potential improvements before it goes into printing. We boast some of the most advanced technical tools. In addition, we offer: search and development of new materials, CAD projects and handmade prototypes; printing of trials on several different media; Computer-To-Film and Computer-To-Plate technology.
When the client wishes so, ISEM provides manipulation of the finished product. That means that we produce the box for you and a further highly specialized team of professionals populate the boxes with your own semi-finished products, such as perfumes, creams and other “WIPs”. Through a selected network of partners, we produce vacforms and sleeves, as well. All processes minimize the risk of damage and guarantee esthetical perfection of the final effect.
Stocks and Delivery
ISEM offers you an impressive area of over 22.000 square meters of warehouse, with some 5.400 racked pallet spaces. An extra space for 3.000 pallets is available through our external warehouse in south Milan. Our Logistics department has a wide range of integrated services for the delivery of finished products – be it at your own headquarters or at any distribution centre in all continents.
The Quality Team, with its highly trained 17-strong staff, follows up on any process that takes place at ISEM – before, during and after production. Our Quality Assurance Team deals directly with the client to determine robust quality standards and report of any deviation that might occur. The Quality Control Team, on their hand, attentively supervise and invigilate on the actual application of the standards. All team put together do guarantee an extremely high quality level on all production outputs.