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    Ishida's checkweighter helps meet retailer standards

    • ISHIDA

    The latest checkweigher solution from Ishida Europe will enable food manufacturers to demonstrate that they are fully compliant with individual UK retailer quality standards and codes of practice.

    The new Ishida DACS-GN-SE incorporates the company’s enhanced RRC (Retail Reject Confirmation) software and hardware that checks and confirms that any out-of-specification product or pack has been successfully removed from the production and packing line.

    Both software and hardware have been developed to include requirements from leading retailers in a single system. This gives manufacturers the flexibility to change production runs between different customers without having to reconfigure the system. Any updates or changes are easily incorporated to ensure it remains up-to-date.

    The checkweigher can be combined with a variety of metal detectors to meet the particular foreign body inspection needs of customers. The machine is fully guarded and enclosed to prevent products from being tampered with during the inspection process. A series of tracking sensors along the conveyors, and sensors on all doors, bins and covers where access is required, mean that the system automatically goes into protection mode and will stop if any unauthorised interference is detected. As an additional fail-safe feature, if a rejected item is not removed successfully, the system will also go into protection mode.

    An optional hourly-check feature enables operators to ensure that the checkweigher remains fully functional. Audio and visual alerts will signal if there is a problem. For maximum security, the checkweigher must then be reset by authorised personnel using key reset access and cannot simply be restarted by shutting down and turning on again.

    The DACS-GN-SE checkweigher delivers exceptional speed and accuracy. An intuitive and robust display with easy to learn menu structure provides both quick set up and supports operator training, while the open frame design ensures easy cleaning and maintenance. The range can handle weights from 8g to 5kg.

    The checkweigher can also be specified with the Ishida Data Capture System (IDCS II), a powerful software that captures the data from every pack that passes across the checkweigher and generates real-time displays and reports. Reports are encrypted and cannot be edited, enabling manufacturers to provide additional evidence of their compliance with individual codes of practice.

    In addition, data from the IDCS also delivers valuable production feedback that will help companies identify important efficiency and cost-saving opportunities.

    “Product quality is a vital element in brand reputation and is particularly critical for own-label products which are manufactured independently but carry the retailer’s name,” comments Philip Grove, Ishida Europe’s Product Manager – Checkweighers, Metal Detectors, IDCS.

    “The availability of RRC plays an important role in helping manufacturers ensure and demonstrate to their customers that at all times they are satisfying quality standards and specifications.”

    See also

    Customised weighing and quality control for individual packet soups

    A customised multihead weigher and X-ray inspection system from Ishida are major components of a new packing line for instant dried soups. The line installed at leading Swiss manufacturer HACO AG includes an Ishida linear multihead weigher and IX-GA X-ray inspection system, supplied by Ishida’s Swiss agent Itech AG. The 12-head linear weigher processes the soup ingredients at a speed of up to 170 weighments per minute with a weighing accuracy of 0.1g.

    Ishida's checkweighter helps meet retailer standards

    The latest checkweigher solution from Ishida Europe will enable food manufacturers to demonstrate that they are fully compliant with individual UK retailer quality standards and codes of practice. The new Ishida DACS-GN-SE incorporates the company’s enhanced RRC (Retail Reject Confirmation) software and hardware that checks and confirms that any out-of-specification product or pack has been successfully removed from the production and packing line.

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    Ishida Europe has extended its range of application-specific Sector Solutions multihead weighers with the introduction of models designed to handle a variety of hardware products such as nuts, bolts, screws and plastic parts. The new 10 and 14 head weighers, based on Ishida’s proven RVE series, incorporate a number of specialist features for the accurate and efficient weighing of varying shapes, sizes and piece weights at different target weights.

    ISHIDA showcases its solutions approach

    The latest developments in multihead weighing, traysealing and inspection systems will be showcased by Ishida Europe at this year’s PPMA Show, demonstrating the company’s ability to devise and install packing line solutions for a wide variety of applications. Highlights include Ishida’s advanced QX-775 traysealer integrated with its award-winning AirScan leak detector, and a quality control solution combining the company’s latest x-ray inspection system with its proven DACS checkweigher with Retail Reject Confirmation.

    • Jo Webb
    • Product Info
    • English
    • Created 08 Apr 2019
    • Modified 08 Apr 2019
    • Hits 1664