ISIMAT GmbH Siebdruckmaschinen News

Europe, Germany, Austria, Germany, Primary Packaging, Tubes, Machinery, Printing, Labelling Machinery
Peter Detzner explaines to Michael Theurer the tube infeed of ISIMAT’s hybrid tube printer TH 8130.

For additional information, contact:

Marco Winkler
ISIMAT GmbH Siebdruckmaschinen
Tel +49 7961 886240

ELLWANGEN, Germany, 20 July 2012 – Ellwangen, July 2012 - Michael Theurer MEP is touring Baden-Wuerttemberg, the federal state in the South-West of Germany. He is promoting the EU as an ideas and innovations union; companies with a track record of innovation are on his visit schedule.

On Friday, 27 July 2012, he visited ISIMAT in Ellwangen together with the Mayor of Ellwangen. Peter Detzner, ISIMAT’s Managing Director, gave a short introduction to the company, its product range and its global customer base. It followed a tour through the company and a look at the machines in the production hall.

The discussion after the tour focussed on obstacles in the way of further success in the global market, on how the EU can help or hinder exporting companies.

  • Martin Siebler
  • News App
  • English
  • Created 18 Dec 2015
  • Modified 18 Dec 2015
  • Hits 1589