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AEGLE Zero is a special uncoated packaging grade, suitable for food and non-food end-uses, where a natural look is as important as excellent printability and conversion properties. The grade is made from the same strong, virgin Nordic fibre that AEGLE Pro and AEGLE White are made from and offers the same opportunity for creative design. Printability, CD stiffness and value are all offered by this special new grade.
“The tactile and natural looking surface of AEGLE Zero provides the opportunity for creative packaging design where values of pure, organic quality are implicit in the final product choice. It offers a real opportunity for packaging differentiation and is suitable for a range of printing processes and finishing techniques, like hot and cold foiling. A natural choice from Kotkamills AEGLE range of folding boxboards,” says David Ingham, Sales Director Consumer Boards at Kotkamills.
AEGLE Zero is produced in the range of 305 to 615 micron and is available to order now.