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Leading dispensing technology specialists, Lindal Group has launched an innovative new nasal actuator named Cyrano.
The ground-breaking new product introduces a collection of new design features that appeal to a broad set of audiences.
Group Product Marketing Manager, Kashif Choudhry said: “We believe that because of the broader appeal Cyrano has managed to secure with its collective features, Lindal has made a significant advancement in the nasal actuator market.”
Triangular with a uniquely rounded top, Cyrano has the appearance of a softer, more user-friendly design, ideally suited to nasal treatments for adult, child and infant markets. The actuator shape also forms a natural safeguard, preventing it from entering the nasal passage too fully, enabling a snug fit that facilitates a measured dispersion of its contents.
Cyrano improves hygiene levels thanks to the closed actuator function which eliminates the risk of residue, thus preventing water from stagnating and keeping away germs. Cyrano is the first actuator in the nasal spray market with a feature that prevents water stagnation in the mounting cap.
Cyrano has thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) material on both the finger pad and the top of the actuator creating a feeling of comfort and assurance to users that they are operating a safe product.
Brand owners can diversify their products with Cyrano owing to its dual-material properties offering greater differentiation possibilities compared to other products - a valuable advantage in a competitive market, with existing and substantially similar products.
Shortlisted for packaging awards from both the FEA and BAMA, Cyrano has already received encouraging responses. Kashif added: “It was a delight to showcase Cyrano at the FEA. The launch has been highly anticipated by the whole Lindal team and we are thrilled that we have already received very positive feedback already.”