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    Logoplaste's Ecovadis and CDP results

    CSR Awards/Certifications, Ecovadis

    Ecovadis is a sustainability rating platform that assesses our Corporate Social Responsibility Performance. It focuses in four main areas – Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement – evaluating our Policies, Actions and Results in all these areas.

    Our 2018 EcoVadis score was the highest ever, where we achieved a Silver rating. Our overall score of 53, and areas scores, places us above the Industry average.

    The Carbon Disclosure Platform (CDP) evaluates Logoplaste's level of Environmental Stewardship and our actions in Managing Climate Change.

    As for the CDP Climate Change, this was the first year we submitted our results for the entire company, all our 63 sites, and we achieved the Management Level (B score), placing us also above the Industry average.

    Sustainability has been at the heart of Logoplaste since its inception in 1976, with our revolutionary business model W2W. Now we take stronger steps into shaping a better future, a sustainable future for the rigid plastic packaging industry.

    ​Our success is a shared one and Logoplaste Community is an essential part of the process.

    • Company News
    • English
    • Modified 10 May 2019
    • Hits 410