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UBS Aplink High-Resolution Inkjet Printers
United Barcode Systems (UBS) Aplink Series printers allow high definition text, graphics, barcodes and 2D codes to be printied onto porous surfaces including card, paper, fabrics and wood. All printers use the renowned Seiko 72mm piezo-electric print engine.
UBS UV2 & UVX High-Resolution Inkjet Printers
United Barcode Systems (UBS) Aplink UV2 and UVX Series printers allow high definition text, graphics, barcodes and 2D codes to be printed onto non-porous surfaces including plastic, metal, glass, coated carton and EPS polystyrene. All printers use the renowned Seiko 72mm piezo-electric print engine with polymer based inks that are cured instantly by a UV LED array.
RN Jet Series High-Resolution Inkjet Printers
RN Jet Series high-resolution inkjet printers from RN Mark in Canada use 18 or 53mm printheads to print text, graphics, barcodes and 2D codes onto porous and non-porous surfaces including card, paper, plastic, metal, glass and coated carton. A wide range of oil-based and solvent-based inks is available including food grade inks for direct food contact.
RN Mark OrdioX High-Resolution Inkjet Printers
RN Mark OrdioX high-resolution inkjet printers offer a low cost solution for printing text, graphics, barcodes and 2D codes onto porous and non-porous surfaces including card, paper, plastic, metal, glass and coated carton. Print messages are created on a PC using RN Soft software and transferred to the OrdioX printer for stand-alone printing.