MecmesinCompany NewsHave your tests yielded invalid results?There is a lot to consider when physically testing a packaging material or component. Not only is it...
MecmesinCompany NewsEssentials of GRIP & FIXTURE Selection in Force & Torque TestingWhen physically testing a packaging material or component, the ability to apply load to a test speci...
MecmesinProduct InfoRelease torque testing of Champagne and sparkling wine corksThe Mecmesin CombiCork is a Quality tool that allows Korbel to test cork materials, ensuring they ma...
MecmesinProduct InfoWine can pop-and-tear opening forceProducers followed the wine drinker from the dinner party to the picnic. Packaging solutions have fa...
MecmesinProduct InfoAdhesive test on capsulated cork stoppersA capsulated stopper (T-top, Bar-Top or Altop) is a natural or synthetic cork stopper where the end ...