MJS PackagingCompany NewsNew laws, opportunities, and demand for dispensary packaging consultationAfter some big wins for legalization this past election cycle, the business of dispensaries still co...
MJS PackagingProduct InfoThe 6 most important hazmat accessories you shouldn’t overlookIn the first few posts of our hazmat series, we discussed the basics of hazardous materials packagin...
MJS PackagingProduct InfoTamper evident packaging: Ensuring safety & securityTamper-evident packaging can be traced back to ancient times when letters were sealed with wax. Yet,...
MJS PackagingCompany NewsA guide to understanding packaging closuresPackaging closures are an important piece of the total packaging solution. All bottles, jars and eve...
MJS PackagingProduct InfoThe growth in demand for bottle sealing waxMJS Packaging, one of North America's most trusted names in providing complete packaging solutions i...