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    MPG Manifattura Plastica Spa

    MPG Manifattura Plastica Spa

    Specialized in the production of thermoformed or injection moulded packaging for food industry.

    MPG Manifattura Plastica is a company specialized in the production of thermoformed or injection moulded packaging for food industry.

    Founded in 1976, in 1977 MPG Manifattura Plastica was the fisrt company to enter the Italian market with a range of thermoformed PP containers and thanks to continuos investment in technology and research has succeeded in strenghening its position.

    MPG Manifattura Plastica is structured to supply the most important companies in the food sector. Its large, automated production capacity allows MPG Manifattura Plastica to manage with planned and long time deliveries. Products can be personalized with self-adhesive labels and I.M.L. labels.

    The production settlement covers 18,000 square metres with a warehouse stocking capacity of over 6,000 pallets.
    MPG takes an active role in packaging design, in establishing the technical characteristics of its products, in studying possible improvements to the containers used by its customers. This is achieved through constant, close contact with their R&D departments. Our philosophy is to consider ourselves a partner of our customers considering the supply of products only a part of the service required by our customers. 

    The quality control process starts with the raw material in granules and continues with repeated controls through all the production phases.  


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