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    Get active with Multi Plastic's Sport Line

    • Multi Plastic

    As a firm, Multi Plastic provides real solutions supporting its customers to achieve their objectives in market share and the development of their products.  To move forward with its mission, the company has released its SPORT line of products - sport bottles and closures designed to take the wear and tear dished out by athletes.

    The bottles come in a range of colours and sizes heretofore unseen in the packaging industry.  Custom colouring can be done starting at 40,000 pieces, and the company offers various decoration options to make the bottles represent the product they contain perfectly.

    Each bottle can be matched with a custom closure sold specifically for the bottles, a pull top squirt dispenser, long-associated with sport drinks as the easiest and quickest way to get to the product.

    The bottles come in two sizes, 760ml and 850ml, and along with their closures, can be ordered starting at 8 bags.

    • Gratiela Adriana Stefan
    • Product Info
    • English
    • Created 18 Apr 2011
    • Modified 18 Sep 2015
    • Hits 1040