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Natura &Co

Natura &Co

Natura &Co is a global purpose driven group made up of four iconic beauty companies.

Natura &Co operates in more than 100 countries, with over 3,700 stores, 35,000 employees and 7.7* million Representatives and Consultants. We believe in challenging the status quo in order to promote real positive economic, social, and environmental impact.

We believe in the power of cooperation, co-creation and collaboration, and are proud to be the world’s largest B Corp™.

Natura &Co’s Commitment to Life sets out our bold targets for the next decade to step up our actions and tackle some of the world’s most pressing issues: addressing the climate crisis and protecting the Amazon, ensuring equality and inclusion, and shifting our business towards circularity and regeneration.

The principle behind this vision is to provide business solutions for the main socio-environmental problems the world is facing, generating positive impact.

Our approach calls for an all-encompassing business model that gives back more than it takes.

SR Packaging