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No-Nail Boxes
Supplier of folding boxes made of plywood and steel, designed and made to measure.
Folding boxes made of plywood and steel for industry.
For its clients No-Nail Boxes would like to be the supplier of folding boxes made of plywood and steel, designed and made to measure, according to their specific needs, and which ensure at the best the integrity of the packed products and the safety of the persons.
The boxes are sold in Europe - the Netherlands, France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Italy and Luxemburg. Most boxes are intended for export, they are shipped by air, land or sea, to the four corners of the world.
The No-Nail Boxes (Europe) clients are active in the sectors of chemistry, electronics, mechanics, the precision tool industry, the car industry ...
Take advantage of 60 years of experience and expertise, benefit from our exceptional geographical situation, to stock up quickly and easily from any European industrial centre.
The solidity of our transport packaging resides in their design. The layers of plywood crossing at 90° make them extremely solid. The strips of coated steel increase the resistance of our boxes.
The collapsible plywood boxes of No-Nail Boxes are resistant to:
- stacking: our crates, subjected to compression tests, are resistant to stacking up to 11 tons.
- difficult transport situations: the combination of steel and plywood makes them solid enough to withstand any situation. The design makes them ineffective to dropping.
- Theft attempts: the combination of resistant materials and our interlocking systems make our boxes impregnable. They can also be sealed.
- bad conditions: the plywood resists extreme variations in temperature. The precision with which it is cut and the quality of the assembly system guarantees the boxes are watertight.
In order to produce its plywood packing boxes, No-Nail Boxes favors quality and respect for environment.
The plywood packing boxes are manufactured by No-Nail Boxes according to an ISO 9001 certified process.
The environmental protection and the sustainable use of natural resources belong integrally to the philosophy of No-Nail Boxes. The choice of the materials (wood in accordance with ISPM 15) for the production of our folding boxes and the receipt of the Luxemburgish quality label 'SuperDrecksKëscht' prove already this commitment.
Furthermore No-Nail Boxes is ISO 14001 certified.
No-Nail Boxes has introduced an environmental management system, which allows him to minimize the environmental impact of its activity, to prevent incidents and to establish an action plan to improve its environmental friendliness.
Our R&D department continuously develops stronger and even lighter reusable plywood packaging. We offer several models of shuttle boxes.
No-Nail Boxes is also really careful in the selection of the materials used in the production of its folding boxes.
Easy and safe
Transport, storage and assembly: our crates ensure maximum user safety.
Our custom-made production adapts to the local conditions of your premises or to specific requirements of your production tools. You can pack your goods in safety and at ease.
Stronger than ordinary wood, the cross-banded plies make the plywood extremely solid and the coated steel profiles increase its sturdiness.
The secret of our collapsible crates' strength also resides in their design.