Different plunger models for veterinary syringes

  • Nordson EFD

Nordson EFD offers four plunger styles each offering different benefits for different veterinary situations.

For multi-dose use, the Dial-A-Dose plunger allows users to tailor doses based on animal size, treatment schedule, or any other requirements for the material being packaged. The system's integrated ring allows users to 'dial in' and administer the correct dose accurately and reliably.

Also for multi-dose use, the Posi-Dose plunger features an advanced twist-lock ring that snaps into position to set a specific dosing volume.

Other one-piece and two-piece plungers can be used for single-dose or multi-dose applications. They don't feature a dial-in ring for setting a specific dose amount. However, two-piece plungers feature a seal that makes it easier to administer an accurate dose, while one-piece plungers with integrally-molded seals provide a low-cost alternative.

All plungers retract to eliminate drip, droll and product waste. Nordson EFD provides customized calibrations and stamping marks on Dial-A-Dose, Posi-Dose and other plungers to meet specific application and dosing requirements.

(left to right): Posi-Dose plungers, Dial-A-Dose plunger, one-piece plunger

See also

UltimusPlus Fluid Dispensers Ease Setup and Operation for Efficient Catheter Development

Quality and precision play a significant role in medical device manufacturing around the world, and strict regulatory standards drive the need for devices to pass rigorous inspections. Nordson EFD’s UltimusPlus benchtop fluid dispensers helped one medical device company significantly improve efficiency and accuracy to elevate catheter manufacturing to a world-class standard, while meeting necessary regulatory standards.

  • Jo Webb
  • Product Info
  • English
  • Created 08 Sep 2022
  • Modified 08 Sep 2022
  • Hits 748