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What are counterfeit printing consumables?
- Counterfeit can be imitation packaging or product that is passed off as a genuine consumable produced by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OKI)
- Counterfeit product is often manufactured under poor conditions with the proceeds from sales linked to organized crime and terrorism
- Counterfeit imaging supplies can present a very real threat to your personal health and safety, your work environment and the investment you have made in your printer
- It is illegal to knowingly sell, be in possession of, use or distribute counterfeit imaging supplies
- Always buy your OKI Original Consumables from an authorized OKI Reseller
How will OKI’s new hologram help to protect you?
The new hologram label features a number of important security measures that are designed to be beyond the reach of counterfeiters and also provide you with a simple process to check the authenticity of your consumables.
Check the authenticity of your consumables in seconds
The key visual security features are the alternating images which appear in the box to the left of the OKI logo and the horizontal band behind the security code (see images)
Fig 1. By twisting the hologram at different angles, four separate elements will appear.
Fig 2. By turning the product packaging and hologram through a 90º turn, the horizontal band will alternate between positive and negative background colours.