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    Omori Europe News

    Eating, Drinking, Food, Cheeses, Processing, Assembly Equipment, Form, Fill, Seal Machinery - Horizontal, Edge Sealing Machines

    Our customer Vandersterre Groep Packaging recently won an award with Prima Donna maturo sliced cheese, packaged in resealable packaging by Omori. There is no doubt about the quality of the award-winning product, but it can’t be ignored that the packaging played an important part in showing off the product. We asked operational director Wendy Bos about working with Omori.

    How long have Omori and Vandersterre been working together?
    We have been working together for many years. When I started at our packaging site in Grootebroek, we already had an Omori flowpack line. The relationship has expanded significantly since, not in the least because we very much believed in the 3-side sealing machine. That was more than 20 years ago.

    Why choose Omori?
    We had a choice of multiple parties at the time, but because of our excellent experiences with Omori’s line, the choice was easy. Other considerations also played a role, however. Yes, value is important, but good support no less so.

    What is the support like?
    At Omori, the regular maintenance of machinery is perfectly organised. But the company is always ready to help in case of emergencies too. Our issues often require customised solutions, unlike those of parties with a large volume line. It is very pleasant to note that Omori thinks out of the box and can find a good solution for just about any situation.

    Which Omori packaging machines does Vandersterre use?
    We have always had one flowpack line and two fastpack lines, which have been replaced once. In addition, we use an offset centre seal for resealable packaging. For packaging pieces of cheese, we have the Selo pouch bag line. A year ago we started using the Selopack, an innovative type of packaging that is easy to open and reseal.

    What are the most important packaging criteria for cheese products?
    For our products in particular, it is important that the product looks fresh. Prima Donna maturo is an example of a quality cheese that deserves to be packed in a way that shows off its appearance. Today’s customer also insists on a good shelf life and packaging that is easy to open. These are all things that Omori can offer us, along with the high efficiency and output of the packaging machines. Needless to say, we are very satisfied with our collaboration!

    Modern consumers set high standards when it comes to craftsmanship and quality. Not only does this require different products, it also requires the right packaging. More specifically, packaging that looks both traditional and hand-wrapped is becoming increasingly popular on shop shelves. Omori supplies paper-look flowpack packaging exactly for this purpose.

    As the name suggests, this packaging is characterised by a unique paper design. Not only does the film look like paper, it feels like paper too, making the product as a whole highly appealing to consumers. This means that this type of packaging is highly suited to making craft products more attractive.

    All the benefits of flowpack
    The paper-look flowpack packaging combines all the favourable properties of a flowpack film with a natural, authentic look. You can rest assured that you will gain the typical benefits of a flowpack such as low costs with high efficiency. Furthermore, the easy sealing qualities result in an optimal production speed.

    As you have come to expect from Omori packaging solutions, the paper-look flowpack stands out when it comes to aspects such as ease of use and reduced food waste. The low weight when compared with paper alternatives results in savings in the use of material, reduced transport costs and a lower impact on the environment.

    Significant marketing impact thanks to overall experience
    The marketing impact of this original packaging type is also highly significant. The packaging looks and feels like paper, and can hardly be distinguished from the real thing. This makes it the ideal way of ensuring products stand out among the other food products in the shop shelves, making an indelible impression on the consumer.

    After all, any marketer could tell you that packaging plays a major role in a purchase decision. The more distinctive the packaging, the greater the chance that consumers will try the product. A quality design is, of course, the baseline requirement. With the flowpackers by Omori, you can be assured of a top quality paper-look flowpack packaging in almost any design you could wish for.

    The countless applications of paper-look flowpack packaging
    The versatility of flowpack and the age-old appeal of paper: a winning combination. The applications are endless. From processed meats such as chicken and salami to cheese slices and ready meals: this type of packaging can be used for countless products in the food industry.

    The packaging of CONO Cheesemakers, for example, is created using Omori machines. Ever since they made the change to paper-look packaging, this company has seen a significant increase in both sales and market demand.

    Would you like more information on the options offered by this type of packaging? If so, please call +31 (0)541 582 026 or email us at info@omorieurope.com.

    You want your products to be sealed quickly, securely, and ensure they look great. But which seal film and technique is best to use? In this article, we will examine the various options and discuss the benefits of Omori’s box motion flow packers – at 400 packets per minute, the fastest in the world!

    Should you use hot or cold sealable film?
    Generally speaking, a distinction can be made between two types of sealable film: hot and cold. The decision on the best type of film to use depends on a range of variables. These include the specific properties of the product, the capacity required and the speed, barriers required such as UV and oxygen, water vapour, material costs and a hermetic seal.

    Cold sealable film consists of a basic material (the carrier) and a thin layer of glue. This type of film is sealed by pressing two layers of glue together, meaning it is not a true welding process.

    This means that cold sealable film offers an inferior level of protection and less hermetic sealing than hot sealable film. However, it is perfectly suited to packaging temperature-sensitive products such as chocolate or production processes in which a high level of speed plays an important role. A hot sealable film is the best alternative when seals with a high integrity are required.

    Strong, appealing seals with box motion sealing
    A rapidly-developing trend in seal packaging over the last few years has been the use of box motion flow wrappers. This is ideally suited to high products (measuring over 140mm) that require air-tight or gas-tight packaging.

    Box motion sealing results in strong and appealing seals. But because the sealers remain in constant contact throughout the production process and move with the product, the sealing time is relatively long compared with rotating sealing. Box motion sealers are therefore relatively slow when compared to rotating sealers.

    The fastest box motion flow packer in the world
    However, times have changed: new innovations at Omori have ensured revolutionary speed improvements. At as many as 400 packets per minute, Omori flow packers are the quickest in the world.

    Our horizontal EP series flow packer also combines these high speeds with a range of other benefits. Omori’s flow packer box motion is easy to clean, extremely hygienic, easy to maintain, and has a demonstrably long service life. In addition, you can rely on outstanding seal integrity and reliable hermetic seals.

    • Mike Webber
    • News App
    • English
    • Created 27 Apr 2017
    • Modified 27 Apr 2017
    • Hits 989