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    Palladio Group News

    • Palladio Group
    Europe, UK, Ireland, Ireland, Italy, The Balkans, Serbia, Eastern Europe, Russia, Beauty, Personal Care, Cosmetics, Health, Pharmaceuticals

    A new plant for the production of high-quality pharmaceutical packaging will be built in Obninsk

    In these hard times it takes a fair amount of courage to start new business projects, especially for foreign companies. Nevertheless, from time to time, such courageous people appear. This is the case for the joint project of construction of the new Russian plant in Obninsk by Palladio Group and BNM International.
    With a surface of almost 10.000 square meters, this will be the company’s 6th plant for production of pharmaceutical and cosmetic packaging. The Group already owns three production sites located in Italy, one in Serbia and one in Ireland.
    Together with Mr. Mauro Marchi and his son Antonio, Vladimir Babic (the Development manager of BNM International) says that the construction operations are going on at full speed and the new plant is expected to be operational by the 3rd quarter of 2016. Palladio Group’s alliance with BNM International gives the company additional confidence in the success of the new business in Russia.
    The choice of building the new plant there is not accidental, since the Russian market is developing dynamically and it is well know that a big market opens big possibilities. Despite the global crisis, Russia possesses enough resources to get out of it.
    In addition to this, Russian drug manufacturers are interested in high-quality packaging for their production and this is the reason why they enter Palladio’s potential clients orbit. The moment has come to offer them the possibility for sharing the Group’s innovation. As Mr. Vladimir Babic has remarked, for many years Russia and its economy have suffered huge changes but life is now changing and it opens wide perspectives of growth.
    Even if Palladio Group has only recently started working on the Russian territory, it already has a great business experience and collaborates with a great number of multinational companies. Palladio Group speaks the language of global mentality, which will certainly be one of its main keys to success.

    • Valentina Rizzi
    • News App
    • English
    • Created 20 Oct 2016
    • Modified 20 Oct 2016
    • Hits 1186