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Pearce Plastics has an assortment of decorative rings to dress up the look of your product packaging. Simple to employ, with a unique look, rings are available in two styles and a choice of four standard jeweltone colors, five Cyber Colors, black, white and natural. We can also produce Pantone colors, flourescent, pearlized, marbled or metallics.
Browse our ring selection by choosing one of the styles pictured above, then click on the photos in the product tables to get enlarged views and more details about the item.
And be sure to visit our Services page to find out about custom services available through Pearce Plastics.
Decorative Rings
Decorative rings can be used to pull a color theme through the closure without the headaches associated with custom colors, high minimums, long lead times, additional set-up and color charges. Decorative rings can be metalized to add a little elegance and drama to your package's presentation.