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    Pipi Print and Packaging

    Pipi Print and Packaging

    With a dedicated team of professionals and state-of-the-art print technology we devote skill, care and valued experience to every job we produce.

    Innovators in decorative and pharmaceutical packaging. Pipi Print & Packaging Ltd specialises in the manufacture of cartons, self adhesive labels and miniature leaflets.  We deliver comprehensive and value-added solutions together with the creative dynamics that are necessary to help build a strong brand and create shelf appealing packaging.

    Situated in Leicester City, the Heart-of-England, we  provide the complete package from our 42,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing and warehousing facility with in-house repro and design studios. Our comprehensive and flexible service helps businesses to achieve their goals on time and efficiently – one order, one delivery.

    We work very closely with our customers, however large or small, ensuring that they are aware of the options available, opportunities for improvements and the most efficient and effective methods of progressing their projects to the printing presses.

    Our customers deal with a named member of staff who will ensure the initial brief is mutually understood and be accountable for its costing, quality and final delivery date. We provide full support and guidance on choice of materials, reprographic methods and utilisation of the most effective technology – as these are all vital elements in producing cost-effective results every time.


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