PolitechTopic EntryPlastics and ecologyOne of the biggest ecological conflicts of our time concerns polymeric materials. We are surrounded ...
PolitechTopic EntryWhat are the possibilities for effectively reducing the weight and volume of plastic packaging?Although more than a half of Europe’s products are packed in plastic, their total weight represents ...
PolitechTopic EntryHow Politech products are protectedWhen thinking about packaging for cosmetics and perfumes, we typically imagine bottles, cream jars, ...
PolitechTopic EntryMaterials for white cosmetics - Pros and consEvery industry requires a lot from its packaging, but the bar is set extremely high in cosmetics. Th...
PolitechTopic EntryCan we package pop culture?Popular culture is all around us. We live in a world imbued with references to popular culture and w...
PolitechTopic EntryPackaging + Weight = Luxury?At some time or other we have all taken something in our hand, only to discard it as tacky, shoddy o...
PolitechTopic EntryInjection moulded plastic packagingInjection moulding is one of the techniques of moulding plastics. This method is used to manufacture...
PolitechTopic EntrySpecialised packaging – How broad is the term?Some substances require a little more attention than others. The reasons are varied. Sometimes a spe...
PolitechTopic EntryOnly for the eagle-eyed - Perfumes in filmsPerfumes are designed to captivate with their scent; however, we have known for a while now that we ...
PolitechTopic EntryPackaging more valuable than the productThe appearance of each component of perfume packaging is never accidental. It is the outcome of the ...
PolitechTopic EntryControversial perfume advertising campaigns - Are they worth using?We hear from time to time about advertisements that have caused a scandal. There is even a popular p...
PolitechTopic EntryAbout creating glass packaging and our cooperation with Heinz-Glas DziałdowoAfter years of collaboration, relations between business partners begin to look routine. However, Po...
PolitechInterviewPolitech focuses on what it does best: producing luxury cosmetic packagingKatarzyna Nawrocka-Rasmus, Sales and Marketing Director at Politech, provides an insight into life a...
PolitechTopic EntryTexture and material – The effect of touch on the purchasing decisions of consumersThe sense of touch is vastly underestimated, and yet its receptors are found on almost the entire hu...