PolitechTopic EntryMaterials for white cosmetics - Pros and consEvery industry requires a lot from its packaging, but the bar is set extremely high in cosmetics. Th...
PolitechTopic EntryWhat were perfumes made from in the past? The ingredients of perfumes past and presentHumans have scented their bodies and the objects around them since long before they learned how to e...
PolitechTopic EntryPerfume production processKnown as far back as antiquity (Egypt, Mesopotamia, Rome), valued in the Middle Ages and in the Rena...
PolitechTopic EntryThe new look of SurlynSurlyn (ethylene ionomer) is a material widely used in the cosmetic packaging industry. It is charac...
PolitechTopic EntrySkin care product jars made of SurlynSurlyn is one of the most prospective materials in skin care packaging production. It possesses all ...