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he importance of choosing appropriate package for a cosmetic product has been stressed in many publications. Among many functions which an appropriate cosmetic packaging or closure should fulfil, the proper application of the product is extremely important. The dosing system should be comfortable to use and should dose an optimum quantity of the product, adjusted to the needs of the customer. The trial study is one of the elements of compatibility tests of the package carried out each time before implementing a new product. These tests allow to evaluate the quality of the portion of the product dosed (among others: the size, texture, type, spray angle) and the functioning of the dosing mechanism itself (how many times the dosing mechanism has to be pressed to release the product, the risk dosing being blocked by too dense product).
It is very difficult to assign cosmetic packaging or closures to particular products. There are many elements that have to be taken into consideration: the composition of the medium, its reaction to temperature, designation of the cosmetic product or individual idea of the designation specified by the producer. Therefore, we can agree on certain sets of packaging and cosmetic or chemical products but we should always take into consideration the preferences of the customer and designation of the product. Below you can find suggestions for matching the closures and packaging for cosmetic and chemical products which can be treated as an example of generally accepted classification:
Taking into consideration products from chemical industry with liquid texture (cleaning agents), one might assume that the best closures for their application will be trigger sprayers. The dose in this group varies from ~0,75ml up to even 3,3ml (or more), depending on the model. The situation is similar with cosmetic products with low and medium density (body oils, face toners or micellar fluids).
Due to the fact that the expected effect of the application varies (eg. mist, foam) the variety of packaging offered is very wide, starting from mini triggers, through mist sprayers, caps, ending with pumps and droppers. For all the cosmetics with higher density (shower gels, body lotions, hand creams) there is a wide range of dedicated closures: cosmetic pumps, caps or airless packaging. It is very important to carry out the above mentioned trial studies, because there are situations where a mechanism is dosing well at the beginning but after longer period of application it starts to block.
The above mentioned solutions are only a small part of possibilities, especially that the producers of cosmetic products offer more and more often unconventional and non-obvious solutions whose aim is to surprise the customer and encourage to buy the product. The most important are the above mentioned trial tests. The choice of dose is often determined by many other factors, not only by the quality of use. These are, among others, estimated time of using the product, the form of application (mist, foam, stream). It is worth remembering, however, that the trial test should be one of the most important criteria deciding about choosing a certain packaging. Even the best chemical or cosmetic product with perfect features will not defend itself when the consumer cannot use it due to mismatched dosing mechanism.
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