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    Sorting rubbish – Let’s start at home

    • Polpak Packaging

    The pollution of our oceans, seas, rivers and forests is a topic that each of us encounters daily. Despite how much the issue is discussed, the countless conversations and conferences on it, it is still difficult to deal with it effectively. So, it is worth stressing how crucial it is that absolutely every single inhabitant of our planet is committed to tackling it. The every day choices and decisions of each individual not only have specific consequences, but they are also an example to younger generations.

    Therefore, please take a look at Polpak Packaging’s series of articles aimed at promoting green activities and choices.

    As you probably know, the current waste sorting system divides waste into five groups:

    • metals and plastics
    • paper
    • glass
    • biodegradable waste
    • mixed waste

    Unfortunately, only about 25% of secondary raw materials are recovered in Poland, one of the lowest rates in the European Union. For this reason, the government plans to significantly raise fees for unsorted municipal waste to nudge households into changing their behaviour and help protect the environment more effectively. It is not without significance that due to the low level of recovery of waste, Poland is threatened with multimillion-euro penalties from the EU. However, the main reason why we recycle should be an awareness of how big a threat rubbish is to the world and future generations. 

    Separate waste collection enables us to obtain more useful raw materials via the recycling process, ones that can be re-used. Involving the whole of society can significantly help reduce the amount of rubbish in landfills and contribute to its re-use. It is worth remembering that the basic sorting described above does not include hazardous waste. Batteries, used light bulbs, expired medicine, and used black goods and household appliances should be taken to specially designated places or put in special collection receptacles. When it comes to packaging there are also those types which are made of many materials such as, for example, juice cartons, or those lined in the middle with aluminium - consumers have many difficulties with them. If so, it is worth looking at the website of the Ministry of the Environment (“naszesmieci.pl”), where the process is described clearly and examples are given.

    Sorting rubbish is just the starting point in the ongoing fight for a clean and healthy planet. There is a lot to do, but only with the personal commitment of each and every one of us can we achieve tangible results. We need to remember this in our homes, workplaces and everyday surroundings. So today, we invite you to read our next article about packaging suitable for recycling – as found in Polpak Packaging’s range of products.

    See also

    • Elias Bittan
    • Product Info
    • English
    • Created 20 Sep 2018
    • Modified 26 Sep 2018
    • Hits 966