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    PRAD Parachevement News

    Design objective

    The METALIGHT® technology is an innovative process that gives glass bottles the appearance of any metal or any metallic effect.
    In terms of effects, it is similar to vacuum metallization but allows greater creativity thanks to the countless possible transparency or degradation options.

    Production method

    The METALIGHT® technology is a multilayer coating composed more particularly of a metal deposit.
    The entire treatment is done on a specific dust-free, large-capacity automated line.
    The varnishes that were developed exclusively for this application give the coating excellent mechanical and chemical resistance.

    Production runs

    PRAD developed the METALIGHT® technology to allow its customers to use it in connection with major launches or limited editions.
    Medium and large production runs of 50,000 to 100,000 units are perfectly feasible with the new technology.

    Item sizes

    From the 100 or 200 ml sales model to homothetic samples or drawn glass tubes, the METALIGHT® technology is suitable for all the models of a product line, regardless of the manufacturer or the manufacturing technique.

    • Marine Silarbi
    • News App
    • English
    • Created 20 Apr 2016
    • Modified 20 Apr 2016
    • Hits 804