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The prestigious Swiss brand Enhanzz has chosen Premi Beauty Industries to launch their new HANZZ+HEIDII skincare line and have selected the Airglass packaging range in 15ml, 30ml and 50ml for their products.
The Swiss company pride themselves on their commitment to sustainability and their goal of releasing products that produce that “wow” reaction and bring out the unique beauty in each individual user. This is why they are constantly looking for innovative formulas and sustainable packaging in line with the philosophy and mission of the company.
Premi was chosen as the partner of this project and Airglass as the ideal packaging for the natural and innovative formulas of the Swiss brand: the airless technology guarantees high quality glass and the protection of the high range products. The packaging comes in two variants of satin paint: pink for women and dark blue for men.
The combination of sustainability and luxury is now very possible and the future of beauty products will increasingly be geared towards the search for suppliers able to best interpret this need.