StocksmeticCompany NewsSquare or cylindrical? With Stocksmetic Packaging you can choose both of them.Home Fragrance Glass Bottles line has been enriched with two new sizes with an essential and innovative design.
PremiProduct InfoPremi releases its new line of jars: The Luxe familyPremi, Italy's premier provider of primary packaging solutions, has released a new line of high end ...
PremiCompany NewsPremi takes a look at inkjet printingPremi's decoration division is always active, constantly researching and developing new technologies...
PremiProduct InfoPremi launches the gorgeous Flex line of fragrance bottlesPremi, one of Italy's leading producers of packaging concepts, has released a gorgeous new glass bot...
PremiProduct InfoPremi presents Pulse and Passion, two complementary linesPremi has released two complementary packaging ranges for personal care products, tapering in opposi...