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ProAmpac, the pioneer in Child-Resistant, Reclosable, Easy-Open (CRREO) pouches has unveiled an updated product line with an expanded range of sizes.
“ProAmpac offers CRREO pouches with third-party certification to multiple performance standards, giving our North American customers the advantage of competitive pricing, shorter lead times and lower shipping costs compared to offshore suppliers,” said Adam Grose, chief commercial officer.
“We not only have a greater range of pouch sizes but also fill order quantities from one to 1 million plus, allowing us to serve various customer and market requirements,” stated Maria Halford, vice president of global marketing.
ProAmpac’s CRREO pouches meet all compliance requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the Environmental Protection Agency under the classification of ASTM D3475-08, Type XIA; they are tested in accordance with the Consumer Product Safety Commission Standards for Poison Prevention Packaging (C.F.R. Title 16 Part 1700), and are approved by the Government of Canada as part of its child-resistant testing.
The CRREO product line supports customers in cannabis; pharmaceuticals, health and medical; agriculture; chemical, and personal- and home-care markets with multiple advantages:
- Certified from 8.5x6" through 13.5x9" in multiple formats
- Rochester, N.Y. manufacturing
- Inventory on-hand for next-day shipping
- Stocking programs available for ongoing demand
- Clear, opaque, and foil barrier
- Custom printing available with the support of our in-house graphics department
- Multiple pouch formats
- Press-to-close and slider options
- Additional customization availability
ProAmpac is proud to have produced CRREO pouches for 25 years.