
Another fast-growing sector for bonded leather is furnishings.

Bonded leather is used as a substitute for hide and leather, to upholster chairs, all kinds of furniture, beds, bedside tables and for the realisation of furnishing accessories.

The use of bonded leather is the perfect answer because this material allows combining beauty and costs.

The most widely used support is SPECIAL, with 1.4 mm 1.6 mm thickness. Colours and embossing are manifold and Prodotti Alfa provides the material in sheets with high quality control.

The use of bonded leather for furniture and furnishings is widespread.

Thanks to its particular qualitative characteristics and to the fact that it is a material that can be processed using techniques capable of conferring a modern, classic, retro appearance (embossing and printing of bonded leather), applications of bonded leather in the furniture industry are continuously growing and developing.

Bonded leather is used to furnish and enrich environments ranging from bars, restaurants, private houses, furthermore due to its high insulation capacity it can be used to cover walls.

Bonded leather as wall coating is usually used in cold environments. It is broadly used in Nordic countries and is spreading even in countries with a temperate climate.

Bonded leather is also an environment friendly, eco-friendly and completely non-toxic material.

In the furnishings field it lends itself to different areas of use for the intrinsic nuances of the product, derived from the properties of the material with which it is made.

It can take on different colours, shades and reflections and give the final product a unique colour and a high quality and refined value.

Prodotti Alfa S.p.A. also turns to furnishings manufacturers that need to cover their products with bonded leather.

  • Valentina Rizzi
  • Product Range
  • English
  • Created 09 May 2016
  • Modified 09 May 2016
  • Hits 567