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PRP Productions Realisations plastiques
We transform plastics for the production of bottles, plugs or others accessories, for the sectors of perfumes, cosmetics, pharmacy, selective distribution, laboratories and other products.
Our offer
- Experience of more than 30 years on the most demanding markets,
- R&D and quality teams have important means an know how,
- We are a real strenght of proposal with a proactive attitude,
- Technological control of our production and conception tools,
- High reactivity and flexibility,
- We follow you during all the process, from the development to the delivery,
- Standard products,
- We can develop new products, materials and components. Our goal : exceede limits.
→ Extrusion blow molding & Co-extrusion blow molding (2 and 3 layers)
→ Injection stretch blow molding & Injection blow molding
→ Injection molding & Bi injection molding
→ Thermowelved multilayer films
→ Screen printing
→ Hot stamping
→ Pad printing
→ Lacquering
→ Metalizing
→ Flat/assembly