A Honey Dripper Cap? Pujolasos Excels at Branding and Customization

  • Pujolasos

Branding is the definitive tool to tell a product's story. When Nuxe developed Reve de Miel, a honey-based lip balm collection with 97% of natural ingredients, they wanted everyone to know what made their solution unique. That's where Pujolasos joined the team to develop an exclusive cap that would immediately tell customers what made Reve de Miel so special.

Focusing on the core identity of the product, Pujolasos designed and delivered a cap based on honey drippers. You know? Those world-known wooden spoons that have been used to dispense honey since 1879. The product doesn't even have to say what its main ingredient is, a simple look is all it takes for anyone to understand what the lip balm is selling: a honey-based lip balm. And that is branding done right.

A Honey Dripper Cap? Pujolasos Excels at Branding and Customization

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See also

  • Juan Pablo Rueda
  • Product Info
  • English
  • Created 10 May 2023
  • Modified 12 May 2023
  • Hits 541