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    The Pulvorex Company is one of the French market’s major suppliers for ready-to-be-used packaging for cosmetic and hygiene applications.

    Pulvorex was the first firm to launch the “Pump Foamer System” on the French market by the middle of the 90s. The firm remains the specialist supplier of these foaming systems in that market, but has amplified its offering to new packaging concepts, particularly within the airless sector. The firm's policy is always to offer the market cutting edge, innovative products. 

    The company not only provides easy to integrate product concepts, it also stands ready to offer a variety of decoration options (silk screening, hot stamping, sleeving, and more) for small and large quantity runs.


    Since 2010, Pulvorex has been moving toward new packaging activities in the make-up sector, prepared to offer the most up-to-date and advanced products and systems available. This new direction has been greeted with overwhelming enthusiasm from both existing customers and new clients.

    In the future, Pulvorex looks forward to extending its activities progressively throughout Europe. The company has also developed a much appreciated website where it presents the essential items of its ranges.

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