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La Marató Charity Drive on TV3, Barcelona

  • Quadpack

Quadpack Foundation lent Technotraf's expertise to the Marató TV3 charity drive. The Catalan channel hosted its annual awareness-raising broadcast, focusing on strokes and spinal and brain cord injuries. A full day’s worth of programming was dedicated to explaining the conditions, in order to raise funds for research.

To demonstrate how a stroke affects the brain, a 1.8m2 wooden head was mounted in the studio. Experts showed its development in the brain’s blood vessels represented by LED lights fitted in grooves carved into the head. It was manufactured at the Technotraf factory at Quadpack’s Manufacturing Division in Torelló, Spain, using the expertise of its team of wood craftsmen.

"When the producers of the event approached us about this project, we were only too happy to help. Strokes affect 13,000 people a year in Catalonia alone," said Quadpack Foundation vice-president David Altimiras. "The funds raised will go towards much-needed research in helping to prevent and treat this serious condition."

The 25th edition of La Marató de TV3 and Catalunya Radio finally closed with the scoreboard showing €11,384,148.


  • QP Foundation
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            • Company News -> QP Successful Project
            • English
            • Modified 23 Jul 2018
            • Hits 1683