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Can Déu reforestation project

  • Quadpack

When in 1964 Caixa d'Estalvis Sabadell purchased the Can Deu estate in Sabadell, the main objective was to maintain and make known the region's rich natural, historical, and cultural heritage.

The Can Deu forest is one of the primary green lungs belonging to the city of Sabadell. Forest management is aimed at maintaining and improving environmental characteristics rather than the commercial use of wood generated in forest operations. The project aims to maintain and diversify the forest mass and the variety of flora and fauna near the Natural Park of Sant Llorenç de Munt. For the correct management of the forest, the Can Deu farm has a clear Technical Plan for Forest Management and Improvement (PTGMF 1365).

Forest owner and manager Fundació Antigua Caixa Sabadell is conducting a reforestation project with the forestry department and volunteer associations, following the destruction of much of the Can Déu forest in a 2014 storm.

Quadpack donated €27,000 to the association in order to restore the forest land as quickly as possible.


  • QP Foundation
    • EMEA
      • Asia
        • Americas
          • AUS/NZ
            • Company News -> QP Successful Project
            • English
            • Modified 23 Jul 2018
            • Hits 1692