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Quadpack opens new corporate floor in Barcelona

  • Quadpack
Europe, Iberia, Spain

Following sustainable principles, the new offices were designed to provide more comfort and space to Quadpackers

The last 2 years have seen hard work and growth for Quadpack - while the company experienced constant expansion, the teams have gotten bigger, requesting more space and comfort. The group commitment with sustainable practices and people wellbeing posed a very welcome challenge to the Facilities team in the Barcelona headquarters: how to create an office that is easily adaptable to the business changes, eco-conscious and welcoming to Quadpackers and visitors?

In June, Quadpack responded to that challenge by opening its new offices in Torre Inbisa, the same building that already houses Quadpackers on the 11th and 19th floors. The new corporate space is placed on the 4th floor and can accommodate more than 60 people. “The idea was to create a flexible space where we could transmit our identity in a convivial, sustainable working area”, says Alex San Miguel, Quadpack’s CSR Director and Facilities Manager.

The design was decided based on Quadpacker’s inputs, obtained from an internal survey. Answering to their needs, the new floor has meeting and development rooms, an open working area, phone booths, a larger laboratory and a cafeteria that could be also used for informal gatherings. Fully equipped with LED lights and mixing wood panels with purple details, the space reinforces Quadpack’s visual identity. The final result was so good that it will be used as benchmark for Quadpack offices. 


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                See also

                • Company News -> QP Corporate News
                • English
                • Modified 06 Aug 2019
                • Hits 2694