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Quadpack Foundation: supporting the community in challenging times

  • Quadpack
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Quadpack’s non-profit arm has increased its commitment to its charity projects in a year marked by the COVID-19 pandemic

2020 was a tough year for most projects supported by Quadpack Foundation. In a matter of weeks, charities saw demand for help surge, as the pandemic kept advancing. While many of these projects have lost funding, the foundation has enhanced its engagement with the most vulnerable ones. As part of its commitment to youth and environmental causes, Quadpack increased donations to the foundation for the fifth consecutive year, reaching one per cent of its EBITDA and bringing positive impact to more than 43,000 lives.

Casal dels Infants

This charity provides social and educational support to children, youth and their families, threatened by social exclusion. In 2020, Quadpack Foundation collaborated with Hub La Mina, a centre for social action in one of the most underprivileged neighbourhoods in Barcelona. “Quadpack’s Foundation collaboration helped us to continue supporting 150 children during the lockdown, adapting our assistance to the emergency situation,” says Raquel Ortega, Communications Director from Casal dels Infants.

For more information, visit: www.casaldelsinfants.org

WWF Australia Wildlife

Quadpack Foundation placed a donation with the WWF Australian Wildlife to assist wildlife and environment impacted by the unprecedented wave of bushfires in January 2020. The donation was followed by an internal and external campaign supporting environmental action in the area, while many members of Quadpack Australia collaborated, either as volunteers or as donors.

For more information: www.wwf.org.au/what-we-do/bushfire-recovery/how-your-donation-is-making-a-difference#gs.jpeoca

Fundació Impulsa

Based in Catalonia, near Quadpack Wood, Fundació Impulsa helps young people to thrive in their professional lives, through mentoring, training and other professional support activities. In 2020, Fundació Impulsa has made an emergency effort to digitalise activities, which required more funds, partially covered by Quadpack Foundation. Besides the extra support due to the pandemic, the Quadpack Foundation kept contributing with three scholarships a year and Quadpacker Jaume Ordeig continued his mentoring activity.

For more information: www.fundacioimpulsa.org

Fundació 1859 Caixa Sabadell

Since 2016, Quadpack Foundation has been supporting this charity, based in Catalonia. This year, many activities were compromised by the pandemic. Quadpack Foundation’s donation in 2020 has partially funded more than 1,000 public school children’s visits to a nature conservation area. “Many students belong to vulnerable families who suffered the impact of COVID-19, and these extracurricular activities are more important than ever in such difficult times”, says Joan Carles Sunyer, Director of Fundació 1859 Caixa Sabadell.

For more information: www.fundaciosabadell.cat/en/fundacio-1859-caixa-sabadell

Torelló Mountain Film Festival

For the second year, Quadpack Foundation is a premium sponsor of the film festival and names the award for Best Mountain Culture Film, which fosters environmental awareness. This year, due to attendance restrictions, the festival was postponed and will be held online, but the amount provided by the foundation was the same. Torelló is located near Quadpack Wood factory in Catalonia, Spain.

For more information: torellomountainfilm.cat

Atalanta Bergamasca

Quadpack Foundation is an official sponsor of Atalanta football team, in Italy. The sponsorship helped Atalanta’s training school and youth sector during the 2019-2020 season, supporting 7,000 children involved in different projects.

For more information: www.atalanta.it

Special Children’s Christmas Party

For the second year, Quadpack Foundation is a silver sponsor of a Christmas Party for special needs children and their families in Melbourne, Australia. This Christmas, due to the risks that the pandemic may represent to children with health conditions, the gifts will be sent directly to their homes.

For more information: www.sccpau.com.au/melbourne.html

Tarrant Area Food Bank

This hunger-relief organisation provides food to families in urgent need in Northern Texas, near Quadpack’s office in Dallas. In 2020, the demand for help increased, and Quadpack Foundation joined the task force, funding the distribution of 25,000 meals.

For more information, visit: tafb.org/coronavirus/

While we wish a less challenging 2021 to all supported organisations and their projects, Quadpack Foundation reinforces its commitment to their youth and environmental actions that have a positive impact in their communities and the planet.


  • Corporate Social Responsibility
    • QP Foundation
      • Positive Impact People
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                • Company News -> QP Corporate News
                • English
                • Modified 30 Jul 2021
                • Hits 3147