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Advancing sustainable growth for people and communities

  • Quadpack
Beauty, Personal Care, ISO Certifications, ISO 26000 - Social Responsibility

By focusing on leaner business foundations and people development, Quadpack continues its positive impact journey

Lead the change and inspire others, bringing positive impact to our people, communities, providers and partners. In a nutshell, this is the objective of ‘positive-impact people’, the human-centred axis of Quadpack’s sustainability strategy.

“We believe in sustainable growth, not only from the business perspective but also offering opportunities for people to thrive and supporting the communities in which we operate. It resonates with our purpose of doing things right, differently, better,” says David Ackley, Quadpack’s People Director. He explains that the company’s social sustainability strategy is framed by ISO26000, which covers seven core areas, five of them directly related to people: organisational governance, human rights, labour practices, fair operating practices and community involvement. The remaining areas – consumer issues and environment – strongly resonate with the product and process axes of the strategy.

Organisational governance – By building a transparent and robust governance structure, putting the right systems and policies in place, Quadpack lives up to its integrity values. It includes launching Quadpack’s code of ethics at Louvrette, acquired in 2019, strengthening board governance and establishing committees designed to enhance oversight and speed up execution. In 2021, the goal is to define group policies for several areas, from talent management and development to finance, in order to provide guidance and clarity across the organisation as it continues to grow.

Human rights – While Quadpack ensures that the human rights of all its employees are protected, it also aims to inspire and help its business partners to have the same commitment. Thanks to the EcoVadis Buyer Module, Quadpack can assess the corporate social responsibility actions of its providers. In addition, Quadpack is committed to five UN Sustainable Development Goals and is considering joining new UN goals in 2021.

Labour practices – The pandemic brought health and safety to centre stage, both physically and emotionally. While Quadpack continues to enhance workplace safety and risk prevention actions, it is also focusing on specific training designed to help people cope with the current situation and develop resilience and stress in a changing environment. Another goal is to foster development opportunities, making the best of one of Quadpack’s strengths: its diversity. Quadpack’s internal training platform, Agora, has been launched, and Quadpackers now have the opportunity to share their knowledge with their co-workers all over the world. In 2021, the company will deploy a new competency framework and an enhanced leadership development programme.

Fair operating practices – In 2020, Quadpack has taken some steps to advance its governance and compliance practices. An independent, anonymous whistle-blowing channel was launched, and its code of ethics implemented at Louvrette.

Community involvement – Quadpack Foundation is the main actor of Quadpack’s community involvement – in 2020, the Foundation supported eight projects in four countries where the organisation operates. By next year, the Foundation will have a dedicated manager who will help it to gain more visibility and provide every Quadpacker with the opportunity to be involved in its projects.

Another transversal project is focused on fostering communication and collaboration within Quadpack, using virtual tools to work and collaborate, while adapting to the recent changes. “We’re very proud of what we’ve accomplished so far. We are taking steps which will allow us to continue to grow in a way that creates opportunities, promotes equality and improves lives – having a positive impact that goes beyond our business,” says Ackley.

Read more about Quadpack’s sustainability strategy.


  • Corporate
    • Corporate Social Responsibility
      • People
        • Positive Impact People
          • EMEA
            • Asia
              • Americas
                • AUS/NZ

                  See also

                  • Company News -> QP Corporate News
                  • English
                  • Modified 30 Jul 2021
                  • Hits 2170