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    Rieke's sustainable dispensers are reducing plastic pollution

    • Rieke Packaging
    Beauty, Personal Care, Home Care, Primary Packaging, Dispensing Closures, Active, Smart Packaging, Sustainable Packaging, Eco Sensitive, Eco Plastic, Plastic - PCR

    Rieke has continuously innovated over the years driven by emerging products and shaped by social environmental factors. With global targets on impact reduction and government legislation to reduce plastic pollution and increase recycling, sustainability has never been more important.

    Rieke has added a variety of different sustainable dispensers into its portfolio. Why have so various choices been incorporated?

    As a market leader, we understand that it is our responsibility to shape the industry and help it move forward. With our customers' sustainable goals in mind, we have designed and introduced products that are, reusable, recyclable or compostable, over the past couple of years. Additionally, we started working with Post-Consumer Recycled plastic (PCR) material and have taken the huge step to apply PCR to our dispensing pumps as well.

    Which new products has Rieke developed to benefit customers' sustainable goals?

    One great example is our 100% recyclable single polymer pump. We spent over two years developing our revolutionary single polymer “Mono-2e” — a groundbreaking new product that is ahead of global plastic legislation!

    Our Mono-2e features 6 parts, all made from one material — unlike conventional pumps, which include many parts manufactured from different materials. This single polymer pump is 100% recyclable and has been designed to reduce the carbon footprint by more than 65%.

    But that is not all, our Mono-2e is also e-commerce ready, removing the risk of leaking during transit, and is Amazon approved. With mono polymer technology, in addition to its other functional benefits, it's a dispenser that will help companies around the globe to achieve their sustainability goals.

    How did Rieke apply PCR to its dispensing pumps?

    Our Linfa dispensing pump was enhanced with PCR and is made from up to 50% PCR, significantly reducing its carbon footprint. It maintains its optimum performance and keeping the product’s integrity with its no metal contact design.

    This product is just one in line with our focus on significantly reducing virgin plastic introduced in the environment by 2025 and helping brands to achieve sustainable goals.

    How else is Rieke helping to reduce global pollution?

    We believe that great product design is key to reducing plastic. By effectively optimizing a product’s design, demand for raw materials and resources can be significantly reduced. Great product design also considers product consumption and the circular economy, therefore, easily reused, recycled or composted packaging makes great business sense. 

    Our sustainable initiatives for customers include 100% recyclable dispensers with a lower carbon footprint and 100% plastic designs that can be easily recycled.

    The Rieke team has also pioneered a number of sustainable initiatives which include the reduction of energy and water demands in our factories, the recycling of office waste, and the reduced CO2 emissions across our factories and logistics. Furthermore, we use renewable energy wherever possible and promote energy and material recovery to be as environmentally efficient as possible.

    See also

    • Interview
    • English
    • Modified 24 Jan 2022
    • Hits 1934