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    Headquarters Location

    Sweden Skåne (Scania), Sweden

    Primary Business

    Primary Packaging - Manufacturer, Vendor

    Total Employees

    1,000-5,000 employees

    Social Network

    • LinkedIn
    • Europe

    • UK, Ireland

    • Nordic Countries

    • Sweden

    • Germany, Austria

    • Germany

    • Eastern Europe

    • Poland

    • Asia

    • Southeast Asia

    • Malaysia

    • East Asia

    • China

    • Eating, Drinking

    • Food

    • Beverages - Alcoholic

    • Beers

    • Primary Packaging

    • Bottles

    • Bottles - Plastic

    • Tubs

    • Buckets, Pails

    • Caps, Lids

    • Caps - Plastic

    • Plastic

    • In Mold Labelling

    • General Business Services

    • Consultancy