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SanYing offers a wide range of tubes for a diverse number of industries. Among them, the D50 PBL tube is a standout solution for the food market. This all-plastic laminated tube was developed with a high barrier outer layer, making it the ideal pack for food-grade products such as condensed milk, syrup, honey, and other high-viscosity fluids.
The PBL tube's 5 layers of film ensure the product within remains fresh for long periods of time, a key selling point when it comes to big brands looking for solutions that will allow their product to rest on a shelf for several months without compromising texture, quality or taste.
The tube comes with silica gel valves, clean and user-friendly dispensing mechanisms that elevate the pack as a whole. Its resealability allows for convenient storage and easy opening, which prevents and reduces food deterioration, thereby saving energy, costs, and protecting consumers' health.
Get in touch and learn how we can help you get your product on the shelves now.