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    Wine PET Bag in Box

    • Scatolificio Cristina Srl

    Owing to its team, as well as cases, the company can also produce cluster sleeves and wine bags in box to be glued to customer’s filling lines.

    PET bag in box is a highly innovative product featuring the same advantages of carton products but also bringing about further benefits, and not only as regards visibility on the shelf.

    In terms of recyclability, end consumers doesn’t need to separate the box from inside bag because the both can be disposed in the same bin, thus promoting material recycle.

    Further cardinal aspect that PET bag in box offers is the possibility, to pic-nic goers, to cool the entire package and zero the chance of any damage deriving from possible contact with water.

    So, we are facing an innovative product, whose potentiality has already been recognized in Spain and England. Now, the company is waiting to know who the farsighted marketing manager intending to catch this opportunity to innovate also in Italian market will be!

    • Elias Bittan
    • Product Info
    • English
    • Created 07 Jul 2015
    • Modified 04 Jan 2016
    • Hits 894