SHB adds the new Roll-On G to its ample range of roll-on products

  • SHB Packaging

SHB already has a wide range of roll-on bottles and overcaps available, but has recently added a new item to the line: the practical Roll-On G. The new bottle is a bit of a departure from the standard roll-on products produced by the company, as it's designed to be stored upside down. Eye-catching on the shelf of the pharmacy and eminently practical (it keeps the roller ball from drying out) the new roll-on is bound to cause a splash.

The 50ml bottle is made of durable materials for intensive, daily home use, and the precision moulding ensures the roller stays agile and fluid throughout the life of the product purchased.

The overcap is handy as well, featuring an ergonomic design that assists in withdrawing the bottle from a resting position, and the flat and ample top means the assembly isn't wobbly or prone to tipping. 

SHB continually develops new and modern standard bottle series, as well as innovative customised ranges, as a complete service to customers. These projects, both for bottles and for closures, are steered by an in-house team, from the design stage right up to production.

See also

  • Elias Bittan
  • Product Info
  • English
  • Created 29 Feb 2012
  • Modified 10 Sep 2015
  • Hits 1094