Perfect Combination for Home Care: Adapter Caps and Large Capacity Bottles

  • SHB Packaging

The perfect combination does exist!

As well as specializing in beauty and personal care packaging, SHB also produces dedicated packs for the homecare market.

SHB's patented Angled-Neck-Adapter, SHA-01, has revolutionized the filling of Angled-Neck-Bottles. The adapter has been paired with the large capacity TC-01 bottle to create an iconic and reliable pack for homecare cleaning products. Complete with an overcap, this combination makes for a user-friendly pack, giving the consumer high functionality and targeted dispensing. 

Get in touch with SHB for more combinations and homecare packaging solutions 

See also

SHB adds the new Roll-On G to its ample range of roll-on products

SHB already has a wide range of roll-on bottles and overcaps available, but has recently added a new item to the line: the practical Roll-On G. The new bottle is a bit of a departure from the standard roll-on products produced by the company, as it's designed to be stored upside down. Eye-catching on the shelf of the pharmacy and eminently practical (it keeps the roller ball from drying out) the new roll-on is bound to cause a splash.

  • Abigail Mackay
  • Product Info
  • English
  • Created 01 Jun 2023
  • Modified 29 Mar 2023
  • Hits 536