Better for the Skin, Better for the Environment: Meet Somewangs' All Plastic Foamers

  • Somewang Packaging

In the pursuit of developing eco-friendly solutions, packaging manufacturers tend to forget about trends beyond sustainability. But focusing on greener practices should never handicap user experience. Somewang Packaging always keeps both in mind to deliver packs that fully cater to what consumers are looking for at any given moment.

Today, the world of skincare is moving around lightness. Not just lightweight packaging and reducing CO2 emissions during transportation, but also, lighter products that are less damaging to the skin. That is precisely why Somewang has just introduced a new line of all-plastic foamer pumps designed to take over the market.

The all-plastic solution hits the lightweight goal with ease, and, by removing the metal spring from the pump, adds two key benefits to any brand:

  1. Longer lasting formulas - As products no longer have to come in contact with any metal during the dispensing process, they are not susceptible to corrosion anymore. This helps formulas last longer and deliver the desired effect on the skin.
  2. Easy recycling: Pumps have always been a polluting solution because of the different materials used in their manufacturing. Most recycling facilities are automatized and sort waste based on their components. The metal spring is picked by magnets, which means plastic pumps were never grouped with other plastic containers. Instead, they ended up in landfills as they were not fully plastic nor metallic. An all-plastic pump ensures the pack continues its intended path during the recycling process and is successfully reintroduced into the manufacturing chain of production.

Now, these pumps are not designed for lotions and heavy creams. They are foamers, an answer to current trends in the beauty and personal care markets. Foam is light and soft, which means they are easily spread on the skin and cause less damage. However, when it comes to using them for cleaning and household products, foamers turn the concept on its head, as foam has the ability to linger for longer periods of time on any surface or angle, which enhances the efficiency of cleaning solutions.

Want to learn more? Contact Somewang now and get the best pack for your product and brand needs.

See also

  • Juan Pablo Rueda
  • Product Info
  • English
  • Created 22 Sep 2023
  • Modified 25 Sep 2023
  • Hits 602