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    Color Queen by L'Oréal Paris, an eco-designed compact from Texen

    • Texen Group
    Beauty, Personal Care, Cosmetics, Make Up, Primary Packaging, Cosmetic Components, Compacts, Compacts - Specialty, Active, Smart Packaging, Sustainable Packaging, Lightweight Packaging, Plastic

    In order to optimize the brand’s request, Texen Industries put its innovation capacity at the service of responsible design. The result is Color Queen, an ultra-pigmented compact.

    Available in 36 shades, Color Queen is an eyeshadow enriched with ultra-pigmented oils. To respect the brand’s request for a sustainable makeup product, Texen’s CEICA factory worked to reduce the amount of raw materials used and the number of components.

    Achieved using injection, the compact is made up of two parts with a hot-stamped décor, holographic on the base and silver on the lid. The two parts are assembled in-line at the same time as the lid is injected.

    A sustainable compact

    In order to minimize the packaging weight and the number of components, the case is clipped together, removing the need for a metal pin, and the lower part is gutted. This eco-design allowed a saving of 25% in plastic weight in comparison with a more traditional design.

    This development is in line with the group’s global CSR policy. With eco-design as a strategic priority, Texen is innovating, benchmarking and analyzing its activity to anticipate and respond to brands’ expectations for the development of products that are increasingly respectful to the environment.

    See also

    • Brand Launch
    • English
    • Modified 28 Aug 2019
    • Hits 739