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    TGM Tecnomachines srl

    TGM Tecnomachines srl

    Manufacturing of tube-filling machines, cartoning machines and bottle & jar filling lines.


    We have been designing and manufacturing automatic tube-filling machines for filling and capping tubes in aluminium, polyethylene, polyfoil or laminates and alternated or continuous movement automatic cartoning machines for more than 30 years.

    Our tube-filling machines can be used to fill standard and special products and packages, such as silicon, mascara, cartridges, dispensers or single-dose cartridges. Our cartoning machines not only carton tubes but also bottles, phials, cartridges, syringes and dispensers.

    We can meet the widest range of low, medium and high-volume production needs, supplying single machines or complete filling lines for the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, chemical and food industries and any clients needing to insert their products into cartons. Production flexibility is our greatest strength, thanks to which we provide our clients with solutions to a wide variety of needs. The high number of users and their constant satisfaction are proof of the quality of TGMTECNOMACHINES s.r.l.’s machines and the excellent after-sales service enjoyed by all of our clients.

    Quality & safety

    We monitor and guarantee the quality of our tube-filling machines, cartoning machines, monoblocks and bottle and jar filling lines down to the smallest detail.

    We measure the quality of our machines through the satisfaction of our clients who are always happy to have purchased machines manufactured by TGM-TECNOMACHINES s.r.l. as they can rely on excellent performance and highly competitive prices. 

    TGM-TECNOMACHINES s.r.l. designs, manufactures and updates CE marked machines in compliance with the regulations currently in force and relative product directives.

    From a safety point of view, every one of our machines complies with the:

    • Machinery Directive (2006/42/CE)
    • Low Tension Directive (2006/95/CE)
    • Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (2004/108/CE)

    and they are personally tested by our technical staff, specialist consultants and the Notified Bodies issuing the required certification.

    Attention to safety is given top priority in terms of both physical protection devices and those of an electrical and electronic nature, in full compliance with the harmonised European standards (hEN) of reference (for example: EN ISO 12100, EN 13857, EN 60204-1).

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