Paper Wrapped Tin Tube

A distinctive look is achieved through wrapping paper around this tin tube, offering a truly luxurious exterior for premium wines and spirits or special edition olive oil gifts. The pack can also be recycled after use.


Reference - Main
Description - Long

0.25 MM Tin plate

Packaging TypeTubes. Primary Boxes, Cases. Metal Tins
Market - MajorEating, Drinking. Luxury. Premium
Market - SegmentFood. Beverages - Alcoholic
Market - End UseVegetable Oils. Wines. Sparkling Wines. Spirits - Dark. Spirits - Clear


MaterialsMetal. Metal - Tin. Tree Derivatives. Paper
Shape - GeneralSpherical
FeaturesActive, Smart Packaging. Recyclable Packaging


Width90 mm
Length90 mm
Height320 mm


MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) Notes

1k to 10k USD3.82 to USD1.50

  • Michael Foster
  • Product
  • English
  • Created 10 Jul 2020
  • Modified 04 Nov 2020
  • Hits 784