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    Outperforming PP jars for long-term food storage applications

    • Total
    Eating, Drinking, Premium, Primary Packaging, Plastic

    Total and RPC Promens Consumer Corby have launched a new multilayer PP/EVOH/PP jar using ISBM (Injection Stretch Blow Moulding) technology that offers even greater transparency and gloss for high barrier food applications.

    The combination of the Total solution and RPC Promens Corby’s expertise in technical plastic packaging solutions has resulted in the creation of Polypropylene jars with ultimate clarity and gloss. This technology opens up opportunities in the retail sector, in particular markets such as cook-in sauces, instant coffee, ready meals, fruits and baby foods, producing packs that deliver high clarity for a premium on-shelf image along with the practical, convenience and safety benefits of plastic.

    Equally important, the substantially lighter weight of the plastic jars will help retailers and brand owners meet sustainability targets in terms of packaging and carbon emission reductions.

    RPC Promens Corby has trusted Total know-how and skills in polymer development using a unique metallocene-based PP specially developed for ISBM technology. This provides improved aesthetics together with ultra-low extractables, reducing by far the overall migration, especially at high temperature conditions.

    Together with the development of a special new manufacturing process, this has allowed RPC Promens Corby to produce multilayer containers that maintain their highly-effective oxygen barrier for long ambient shelf life, while delivering excellent clarity. The containers are thermally stable to temperatures in excess of 100°C for pasteurization and sterilization. A number of popular retail jar sizes are being developed with additional sizes planned for the future. Caps, also supplied by RPC, are manufactured in Polypropylene leading to a mono material pack, which facilitates recycling.

    • Innovation
    • English
    • Modified 26 Oct 2015
    • Hits 2765